[resolved] phone not receiving / accepting calls

hi support team,

this is indeed very similar from 'Forbidden' Failures and Phone Not Receiving/Accepting Calls

i’ve paid up my account a couple weeks ago (after the support fixing similar issues) and have an ‘active’ DID number. whenever i make a call to the forwarded number, it doesn’t work. it rings and eventually goes to the voicemail. sometimes i get an email about it, others don’t, but the phone never rings.

it was working the first time, in february. and i didn’t notice it stopped working at some point. last thing i’ve done was reconfiguring the PBX, but that also didn’t work. i don’t need a PBX if you can make it work without it.

i’ve tried the following methods to get in contact with you:

  • called the New York support number
  • sent an email to support@flynumber.com
  • sent a ticket through my login

can you please resolve this?

Hi @cregox

Seems this was resolved as we see your call history shows OK calls

My account > call history

We cant see where the issue was as it seems you changed the phone system/PBX configurations

If this is still happening please let us know

yesterday i’ve replied on my email but looks like the message didn’t go through. so i’ll copy it here:

if you go farther down the same history, you’ll see many “ok”. not one of them ringed my phone even once, for months!

i just tested it again, still same issue. and just checked my phone settings. again. under sip accounts it says receiving calls. and if i change the setting to any misconfiguration, it brings an error message. then i set it back straight, it goes to registering then “receiving calls”. again. and again.

this time, however, when i tested it, it didn’t even gave me the calling ring. 3 times. then it went back to same issue: whichever testing phone i’m calling from will give the sound as if it were ringing someone, but my registered phone, the same one which worked before, with the same settings, never ring or receive any notifications about any calls.

whatever pbx/system settings it is, i don’t care. you can change it as you will. just make it work, please!

frustrated. :frowning:

eventually i made it work, out of luck after tweaking more settings forward and back. it’s clear to me this android native sip support is terrible now. although the phone started to ring, it never completed the call once i’ve answered it.

so, here’s the solution:

get a good sip app.

right now i’m happy with zoiper, but i’m not sure there’s any one big app to solve it all for everyone. sadly. at least there are a few options. just avoid the default!

insane part is that i’ve got a google pixel. such a basic function should work by default, don’t you think? i certainly thought so for way too long. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thank you @cregox for the feedback here, we appreacite it and sure many of our users will as well

Let us know if you need anything at all

zoiper ended up using way too much battery and still being way too unreliable. perhaps it could work with the right tweaking of settings and/or simply by leaving it on only when on battery or something, but then also…

eventually something weird happened with my subscription as well and since i do have an alternate regular backup number (which i hate for many reasons, but at least works flawlessly for receiving calls), i ended up giving up to resolve all this until now. very sad, because i really hoped it would pin out! :frowning:

now i want to try it once again.

however, i completely gave up and lost hope in voip/itsp/did for the mobile in my case. it’s a way underrated and underestimated market that nobody really cares for and so it’s simply terribly handled, since all money and incentives are concentrated on traditional phone companies, imho.

i’d guess there would be a lot of preaching and/or standardization work to be done, over the years, before this can become reliable.

so my new (and last) attempt will be focused on redirecting did for free to my Google voice (which is linked to my Google Hangout)

i do understand those have nothing to do with Google talk, and that your support to it basically doesn’t exist anymore (and should probably be removed from your website).

please, tell me honestly: do you think my quest is worth pursuing now? with you? or perhaps got any other recommendation?

cheers! :wink:

Have you considered in the groundwire app by Acrobits, it can be completely off and still receive the calls

In many ways it is underrated yes, we hope to improve on that tremendously- time will tell and we’re looking forward to it

Unfortunately, google voice or talk have an open API type of integration

Id love for you to try another app and maybe the G711 Ulaw codec from within the settings

Zoiper may also have a feature where SIP calls are pushed through and app can be off

Thanks and wishing the best

i believe you meant “have no”… but i also meant redirecting to its regular USA number… and there are voip services that call to such numbers for free, over some kind of recurrent payment. is there any such plan in flynumber that i’ve overlooked?

it has too many features and settings… but i think no G711 codec (just G722 separated from uLaw - no idea what all this means) and could find no such feature to get pushed calls. tried contacting their support few times. here’s what they said the first time, replying to my 1 star review:

Thank you for your feedback. Please check with your provider if TCP transport is supported. UDP usually has registration expiry of ~1 min which will result in higher battery usage. With TCP transport, if supported, the registration expiry could be ~10 min and battery usage will be significantly less.

they repeated this twice, in other email iterations, in a more wordy manner with (useless to me) instructions on how to do it. but never replied my big response to that (sadly, i don’t think they’re aware of the advantages of forum 2.0 started with discourse).

in the latest iteration over email i also got this hint:

Eventually you can also try Zoiper Beta and its new PUSH notifications option. The push notifications should reduce the battery usage a lot.

so perhaps they’ll soon get better. not sure i’m willing to go beta there this time.

but all this is what gave me the impression i’ve mentioned before: too many settings and tweaks available to the user make it anywhere from too complex to literally impossible to find the correct configuration for each SIP need, such as in using zoiper with flynumber. in other words, underdog abandoned market.

i did purchase zoiper too early, because it allows for automated call recording (sadly only into uncompressed wav) only to use it along with mobilevoip. now i’me using it for that alone, and exiting it to completely close it after use.

i will consider, probably give it a shot and let you know!