Hi, I am trying to setup my flynumber account to work with 3CX. As it currently stands I can make calls to my flynumber and it correctly gets routed through 3CX to my extension, so incoming works perfectly!
I am currently however having problems making calls using flynumber. I get the response (phone numbers and account numbers masked with x)
05-Jul-2016 10:10:52.648 Call to T:Line:10001>>44xxxxxxxx@[Dev:sip:XXXXXXXX@] from L:121.1[Extn:123] failed, cause: Cause: 408 Request Timeout/INVITE from local
05-Jul-2016 10:10:52.641 [CM503003]: Call(C:121): Call to sip:44xxxxxxxxxxx@ has failed; Cause: 408 Request Timeout/INVITE from local
I am trying to call a number in the UK from the SIP account, so I am sending the country code digits followed by the area code (without the 0) followed by the number.
Do you know why this wouldn’t work?
Many Thanks