Pricing for forwarding and dial tone

Few questions:

  1. Just to make it easier I will be specific:
    Forward an Israeli mobile from an Israeli Flynumber to an USA mobile number. What is the price? Is it based on the price of USA in your website regardless the fact that the flynumber is Israeli?

  2. Dial tone access

I am in USA with my Israeli mobile and get a dial tone from my Israeli Flynumber and call a mobile in Israel. What will be the price?

I am in USA with an American mobile and I get a dial tone from my USA Flynumber and call Israel mobile. What will be the price?

I am in USA with an Israeli mobile and I get a dial tone from my USA Flynumber and call Israel mobile. What will be the price?


Sure thing…

You pay the USA forwarding rate of .03 per min in this scenario and $3.95 per month for the Israeli Number.

2: Get an Israeli virtual phone number - FlyNumber[quote=“kimmron, post:1, topic:139”]
I am in USA with my Israeli mobile and get a dial tone from my Israeli Flynumber and call a mobile in Israel. What will be the price?

Are you going to call your Israeli FlyNumber from a USA phone? It would make more sense to get a USA number to use the dial tone access from the USA

Regardless, you would pay .07 per min since you’re calling an Israeli mobile phone ( see rates)

4: Rates when forwarding to regular phone number or outgoing calls[quote=“kimmron, post:1, topic:139”]
I am in USA with an American mobile and I get a dial tone from my USA Flynumber and call Israel mobile. What will be the price?

This makes more sense, its $2.95 per month for the US number and .07 per minute to call a Israeli mobile

Still 2.95 per month for the USA FlyNumber and .07 to call a Israeli mobile with dial tone access

Thanks and please don’t hesitate to ask any more questions

Many many thanks. Hope this is the last one.

Just a simple one:
An Israeli Flynumber is forwarded to my Israeli mobile somewhere on the Earth Planet.
I know already that the forwarding costs 0.07 USD regardless where the call is forwarded to.
The Israeli mobile has some kind of monthly plan with the phone company which includes also rates for incoming/ougoing calls when I am abroad.
My question:

  1. General Question: Are there any calling/forwarding scenarios with the Israeli Flynumber when I am abroad with my Israeli mobile that I will charged by the Israeli phone company, according to the rates of the company for using the Israeli mobile abroad?

  2. A specific scenario regarding the General Question: Will I be charged for the the forwarded calls from Israel (incoming to my Israeli mobile) when I am abroad by the Israeli phone company according to the company plan for using the mobile abroad? (on top of the 0.07 USD charged by Flynumber?)?


The mobile phone company shouldnt have anything to do with this, it shouldnt matter to them who is calling the Israeli mobile

So John from USA and Sue from China can call your FlyNumber and both will not have an effect on your FlyNumber account and shouldn’t with your mobile phone provider

Not sure if they charge you anything for forwarding the mobile phone number to a local israeli phone number but thats not likely- I would still confirm with them as Im only throwing hypotheticals out there

Still, you many want to run this by your provider as everyone is different…

You need to ask your company, if someone calls your Israeli mobile phone your skipping us and its up to them to charge you- Im assuming you’re roaming if youre using your israeli mobile phone abroad

What you want to do is get a phone number or SIM card in the local country your in, then forward you FlyNumber to that local number( usa is .03 for example). Before you leave Israel you will want to forward to your local Israeli mobile phone to the FlyNumber and for sure they cant charge you anything

You would get the israeli mobile phone calls to your new SIM in the US for example through FlyNumber and not pay anything extra

All in all check with your mobile phone provider to make sure as we are not responsible for any charges incurred to you by them
