With the following country/cities, you’ll be able to receive the SMS sent to the number via email.
Please keep in mind we can’t guarantee SMS verification/short codes. If the sender doesn’t send the SMS there is not much we can do. It may help to contact the institution and let them know that you’re looking to send an SMS to said phone number.
We have seen it work on a number of occasions but the official answer is that we can’t guarantee it.
Australia Mobile 61-4
All Canada
Santiago SMS 56-2
Denmark Mobile 45-92
Finland Mobile 358-457
France Mobile 33-7 Out of stock as of Dec 17 2023.
Israel Mobile 972-55
Netherland Mobile 31-97
Poland Mobile 48-73
Romania National 40-37
Russia Mobile 7-9
Sweden Mobile 46-73 and 46-79
Thailand 66-8 and 66-9
Ukraine Mobile 380-94
UK Mobile 44-7
All USA ( except toll free)
Vietnam Mobile (metered)
Belgium mobile - 32-48 prefix were just added
South Africa mobile numbers now have incoming SMS enabled.
The following Mexican cities now have a “Mobile” version which means they can receive SMS (the SMS/texts are forwarded to your email on file at no additional cost)
Will SMS be enabled for Nigeria? is Nigeria on your radar?
Thanks for your post.
We’d love to add Nigeria however it’s not available at the moment - unfortunately there wouldn’t be a solid ETA on that but we’re always looking to expand services.