Incoming calls dropping

I’m set up with a number forward via sip2sip and using Zoiper and the incoming calls keep dropping within about a minute. I don’t know how to work out which bit is unreliable! Is this common with sip2sip via FlyNumber and Zoiper? Is there anything I can do to resolve this issue? Thanks for your help.

Sorry to hear @JoKiwi

Your call history shows OK calls ( My account > call history)

I see at least a recent one of over a minute so hopefully this is OK now.

No this is not common and imagine its the internet you’re on or a config issue (probably more the latter) . New Zealand also happens to be one of our more reliable countries so I cant imagine its that either.

You can also send us logs from the zoiper (or any SIP app).

I would toggle the TCP/UDP settings in zoiper and make sure sRTP as well as STUN is off on the app.

Let us know if this persists please.

Thank you. I decided to upgrade to their premium subscription and it solved all the problems! :0)

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Glad to hear and thanks for the feedback - if you run into anything else just let us know.