Is a whisper feature forever excluded?


I’ve been assessing which call forwarding service I should start using for my business. FlyNumber was my first choice, until I realised it doesn’t have a feature I thought was basic: Call whispers. Let’s say a lead calls one of my FlyNumber phone numbers, and I forward it to my client as part of our deal. I want him to know that I am sending this potential customer, so I want him to hear something like “This customer is sent to you by Max” before he gets to be connected with the lead.

I’ve seen FlyNumber people acknowledge in 2013, 2016 and 2022 that there was no whisper feature, and I don’t find any hint that there’s one today either. So I assume there is no intent to implement it in 2025, is there?

If so, would you mind sharing the rationale? Because it’s unfortunately a deal breaker for my use case. It’s a pretty common feature that competitors offer across the board from what I’ve seen.

If FlyNumber had a whisper feature, I would settle here, the only other inconvenience I’ve found is that it’s not very convenient to handle call recordings. (In other solutions on the market, you can usually click “play” and listen to a call to check that the leads are qualified enough and the clients are treating them well. But I reckon something can be done to make it work on FlyNumber after rolling up the sleeves a bit.)

Thanks for your time and replies, and congrats for the cool service you’re offering :slight_smile:

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Hi @Max

Thank you for your post here.

In our very original PBX this feature was available but removed in more recent versions, apparently to give developers more “bandwidth” to focus on core features. Or in other words, it was on the list but wasn’t tackled as quickly as we would have liked.

We’d very much like to implement this and have passed this along to the proper individual(s). I couldn’t give it solid ETA but its on the radar.

With that being said some work arounds could be asking a client to use a SIP client to answer the calls and send over a caller ID with “Sent by Max” for example.

Another one which may work even better is you setup a “user” in the phone system and have it send them an App invite. (They dont need to have access to the phone system panel itself).

They will get a simple email with a QR code, they download the app which automaclly will set them up with their phone number- they’ll know any calls from this app are from you. You can also disable outbound calls before you send them the invite among other options (like call recording).

The bonus here is they’d be answering with VoIP so there is no per min rate to answer the calls. (great quality too).

Our absolute pleasure and appreciate your kind words. If there are any other questions, concerns or suggestions we’re all ears. :pray: