Can I call via my DID to another Country?

Can I make a Call from my DID to another Country?

I understand that I can make a call from my registered forwarding phone to my DID, hear the dial tone, and then call a local number. But can I also make an international call using the same process?

E.g. I’m in Europe currently, my DID is in Australia. Can I call to my Australian DID from my registered forwarding phone, and make a call via the Australian DID to Papa New Guinea?

This is cheaper for me than calling directly, is it possible?


Yes , you can use the dial tone access feature. You will setup a PIN and can call the FlyNumber from any phone which in turn gives you the dial tone so you can call anywhere

Let us know if you have other questions or concerns

Great, thanks for your quick reply. Where do I set up the PIN?

Sorry, I found where to set up the PIN, on PBxx correct? However my DID number doesn’t display yet. Is there a delay between receiving DID confirmation and being able to configure?

Also, will outbound calls show as coming from my DID Caller ID?


You first must send the FlyNumber to the PBX/ Virtual Phone System ( in there you will see the option to use the Dial Tone Access)

My account > My FlyNumbers

Click details and then " change forwarding "